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Hombo Shuzo Co., Ltd

Company Name: Hombo Shuzo Co., Ltd | 本坊酒造株式会社

Hombo Shuzo is a well-known Japanese distillery famous for its Whisky and a variety of Shochu. It was founded in 1872 in Tsunuki, the southern tip of the Satsuma peninsula in Kagoshima, on the island of Kyushu. It began producing Shochu in 1909 after obtaining a license to manufacture old-style Shochu (本格焼酎), followed by new-style Shochu (甲類焼酎) from 1918 using a German-made patented distillation technology. They later diversified into Whisky production from 1949 followed by Wine business from 1960.

They produce ‘Imo’ Shochu from freshly harvested local Kogane Sengan sweet potatoes which grow especially well in damp climate. This region is also famous for its pure mineral water, and Hombo Shuzo’s Chiran distillery is located right in the heart of where many of these springs surface.

Over the years, Hombo Shuzo has continued to develop and refine the way they make Shochu. In 2009 the company patented a completely new distillation technique designed to result in a smooth yet crisp taste. In 2013, their ‘Arawaza’ Sakurajima Shochu won not only the sole Gold Medal in the Shochu category but also the Trophy Medal – the highest acclaim in the genre of the International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC) in London.

For over 150 years, Hombo Shuzo has continued to produce high quality spirits using locally sourced water and ingredients. Their commitment to quality and innovation has earned them international acclaim, making Hombo Shuzo a respected name in the world of Japanese spirits.